Available Species

Bull collections are typically done at our facility, but can also be done on the farm. We can accommodate one day collections or we can house your bull for those larger orders. There are two methods used to collect from your bull. The preferred method would be to have the bull jump a mount steer and collect with an artificial vagina (AV). If the bull will not jump or there are other issues that will not allow us to use this method, we can then put the bull in the chute and use the electro-ejaculation method.
In order to maximize the quality of the collection, we recommend that you try and get your bull cleaned out before bringing the bull in for the collection. This can be done by letting your bull breed a few days prior to the collection date and then allowing for a 3-day rest period. This is even more important for bulls that are mature.

Ram collections can be done using the preferred method of jumping them on a ewe in heat or we can use the electro-ejaculator. Seasonality plays a large role in the quality of the collection. The cooler months tend to give the best results for putting up high quality semen.
In order to maximize the quality of the collection, we recommend that you try to have your ram cleaned out before the collection day. This can be done by allowing the ram to breed a few days prior to the collection and then allowing for a 3-day rest period. As mentioned, we prefer to jump the rams and this may take some training at home to teach them to jump on the halter with you by their side.

Buck collections can be done using the preferred method of jumping them on a doe in heat or we can use the electro-ejaculator. Seasonality plays a large role in the quality of the collection. The cooler months tend to give the best results for putting up high quality semen.
In order to maximize the quality of the collection, we recommend that you try to have your buck cleaned out before the collection day. This can be done by allowing the buck to breed a few days prior to the collection and then allowing for a 3-day rest period. As mentioned, we prefer to jump the buck and this may take some training at home to teach them to jump on the halter with you by their side.

Deer collections are done exclusively on the farm. The owner is responsible for sedating and moving the buck. We will then collect the buck using the electro-ejaculator once the buck is sedated.
For best results, we highly recommend that the buck is not in the breeding pen at the time of the collection. We would prefer to have the buck pulled from does at least 3 days prior to the collection.